We will find the best possible solution for your structure. Contact us, our team of professionals will assist you with everything.
Tylova 220/17, 767 01 Kroměříž
ID of company (IČ): 25567225
Tax registration number (DIČ): CZ25567225
Regional court in Brno, section B, entry 2976
T: +420 573 503 311
M: +420 724 166 004
F: +420 573 330 579
Data box ID: j89tauv
E: sekretariat@wachal.cz
Construction materials
The company has its own store with construction materials, equipment and supplies and is equipped with its own machinery for the entire range of constructions including road transport, ground work machinery and material handling.
Store in Kroměříž, Skopalíkova 1
T.: +420 573 342 577
M: +420 602 727 487
E: stavebniny@wachal.cz
Construction equipment rental
The company has its own rental store for construction equipment and machinery for the entire range of constructions including road transport, ground work machinery and material handling.
Store in Kroměříž, Skopalíkova 1
M: +420 602 569 881
E: pujcovna@wachal.cz

Accounting department
T.: +420 573 503 321
M: +420 606 706 167
Prague Branch Office
Kozomínská 646/6
184 00 Praha 8 – Dolní Chabry
Petra Kurková – assistant
T.: +420 284 683 352
M: +420 724 055 553
E: petra.kurkova@wachal.cz
Ostrava Branch Office
Kralická 2104/1
709 00 Ostrava
Slovakia Branch Office
Levická č. 7B
949 01 Nitra, Slovakia