Other selected references

Reconstruction of Food Technology Laboratories – Tomas Bata University

Prague Zoological Garden – the Exposition of Australian Fauna

Reconstruction of the building in Kateřinská Street – Palacký University in Olomouc

Hotel and restaurant RAJKA

Vsetín Hospital – construction of the pavilion of internal medicine
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Construction and technological modifications in the menageries of the Institute of Physiology of the Czech Academy of Sciences (the CAS) and the Institute of Microbiology of the CAS – Reconstruction of the current menageries in building G
We have successfully completed the reconstruction and modernization of the menagerie in Hall G within the premises of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague. The five-story building was designed in 1958 and still serves as a menagerie at the Institute of Physiology and the Institute of Microbiology of the Czech Academy of Sciences. Part of the building is occupied by areas for breeding laboratory mice, rats, and rabbits. The building also has laboratories, feed stores and bedding, and facilities for employees.
A completely new layout was designed in the middle part of Pavilion G. We have built two departments for breeding laboratory mice and rabbits. We also built a feed warehouse in this tract. As part of the reconstruction, we also solved the transport of dirty bedding, which will now be secured by a pair of screw conveyors directly into a container located outside at the northeast facade of the B-wing.
The central part of the pavilion also got a new look, where new rooms in the longitudinal tracts were added to the original main corridor. There is, for example, an operating or breeding room. The staff also has a new common room.
As part of the building modifications, we added three elevators to the southwest façade used to transport people and cargo. It will thus enable the direct supply of menagerie premises. Furthermore, we built a new ground floor extension of the air conditioning engine room at the point of connecting the neck between buildings G and Gs.
Completed in the year 2022Significant structuresReconstructions, extensionsAdministrative buildingsSchool buildingsHealth and social care buildings