Other selected references
Construction and technological modifications in the menageries of the Institute of Physiology of the Czech Academy of Sciences (the CAS) and the Institute of Microbiology of the CAS – Reconstruction of the current menageries in building G
The National Centre of Garden Culture
Hotel and restaurant RAJKA
The polyclinic in Lanškroun
University Centre in Zlín
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Insulation of the student accommodation at Czech Technical University in Prague Strahov
Two blocks of student dormitories in Strahov are all well-prepared for the heating season as well as sultry summers. The accommodation for the students of CTU acquired a new insulated facade and all its windows were exchanged for new ones. The industrial look of both the buildings has been preserved after the reconstruction, as was required by the National Heritage Institute.
The facades of the three-story building of Block 1 and of Block 2, which is taller by three stories, as well as the facades of the six remaining blocks were insulated with the isolation made from the expanded polystyrene and from fire-proof panels with mineral wool, which are resistant to humidity and to changes of temperature. The plinths were insulated with the extruded polystyrene, among the properties of which belong greater solidness, mechanical durability, and a lower probability of moisture absorption.
In the case of the flat roofs of both buildings, the separation glass-fibre vlies were laid on the attics, and the thermo insulation will be ensured by several layers of stabilized polystyrene foam boards. Waterproofing of the roofing was in both cases ensured by the waterproof membrane.
The reconstruction included also window replacement as well as the replacement of lightning rods. All eight buildings were painted in the end. According to the contracting party, the classic white was chosen for the interiors, the facades had been required to maintain the original building looks.
The student dormitories are as new and students will surely remember pleasant memories of their university years.
Completed in the year 2015