
Reconstruction of the headquarters of the University of Defence in Brno

During the reconstruction of the functionalist building of the University of Defence in Brno, we did our best to maintain as much as possible the original vision of its architect, Bohuslav Fuchs.

Reconstruction of the headquarters of the University of Defence in Brno

The building of the University of Defence in Kounicova street in Brno, which the locals call no other name but “Roll“ (Rohlík in Czech), had been built in the second half of the 1940s based on the project of the infamous architect Bohuslav Fuchs. Therefore, we tried to maintain his initial visions as much as possible in the course of the reconstruction.


Renewing the facade and window and the entrance door replacement, which are the elements defining largely the overall appearance of the building, were the primary subject for reconstruction. We thus firmly stood by the original design and the appearance of the facade was sustained – smooth light plasters complemented with the brick strip cladding.


Other works included the replacement of copilit walls with the glass aluminum wall systems, the modification of the lightning rod, and the substitution of the indoor electrical wiring. Besides the outdated and obsolete electricity supplies and constructions, the purpose of the reconstruction works was to enhance the energy efficiency of the building – while heating as well as while air-conditioning.


We established, as a new solution to this issue, a central air-conditioning of the building. The building has thus become more eco-friendly and efficient, and even more attractive. The facade of the building is due to these modifications without any split AC units that used to distract its overall visual impression.


The surroundings of the building acquired newly restored fences (including the foundations), we reconstructed the rainwater pavements, and we removed the waste stock. Three coniferous trees in the near proximity of the university had to be cut down, for which new ones were planted.


It was not the objective of the reconstruction works to carry out significant interventions into the structure of the building itself, neither were they change in the layout of the building. The outcome of the works turns out to present a more functional and energy efficient building, which is at the same time compliant to the very original architectural design in all the important aspects. Therefore should you need to repair a large (or also a smaller) building in a considerate, but simultaneously thorough way, contact us.    

Completed in the year 2017
Significant structuresReconstructions, extensionsAdministrative buildingsSchool buildings


Reconstruction of the headquarters of the University of Defence in BrnoReconstruction of the headquarters of the University of Defence in BrnoReconstruction of the headquarters of the University of Defence in BrnoReconstruction of the headquarters of the University of Defence in BrnoReconstruction of the headquarters of the University of Defence in BrnoReconstruction of the headquarters of the University of Defence in BrnoReconstruction of the headquarters of the University of Defence in BrnoReconstruction of the headquarters of the University of Defence in BrnoReconstruction of the headquarters of the University of Defence in Brno

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Selected referenceKCK CYKLOSPORT – MODE s.r.o.


The construction works in the KCK CYKLOSPORT - MODE s.r.o. were completed. We facilitated the construction of a new administrative building and of a warehouse.